Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Patacones de la familia de Silvera

1. Buy green large plantains (about 2-3)
2. peel the plantain by making several lengthwise slits and pushing the skin with a knife (try not to touch the skin, it has a sap that is very sticky to the hand and hard to wash off). 
3. after peeling the plantain, cut the plantain in 1 inch sections.
4. fry the sections (in canola or vegetable oil) until golden all around (a few minutes in hot oil), and put in paper towels to absorb the extra oil.
5. smash the plantain using the bottom of a large coffee cup.
6. Fry again the smash plantains until golden brown in both sides
7. Add salt and eat...

Mer's note: In my Panamanian cookbook, it says that these may be frozen after mashing at step 5, then fried when you want to serve them.  Katia and Flor's note: They *really* are best right out of the pan!  Mer learned from Katia and Flor that plantains that are yellow are for postres!